Jim’s Group Franchisor Marketing Material

Thanks for attending our sessions at Jim’s Group for your Franchisor and Advanced Franchisor Sessions.

My email is joel.kleber@jims.net and you can reach out to me anytime about any questions.

We also have a Franchisor only Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/jimsgroupfranchisors

I also recommend you watch some of the interviews on https://fso.jims.net/training/videos/

If you bookmark this page or save the link, it’s not public, I will add various items and recommendations over time that may help you in your business.

I also recommend you follow the Jim’s Group social media accounts and also Jim’s social media accounts, not because we want more followers but you can see what we are doing based on the current trends when it comes to social media marketing.

We also have our own podcast website – https://www.jimspodcast.com/

If you want to be interviewed, please email me and I will interview you about your Jim’s journey and franchise offering for prospects.

Initial Franchisor Marketing Presentation Slides

Advanced Franchisor Marketing Presentation

Social Media & AI Web Page

The above page is the initial franchisee training along with some basic Chat GPT Tutorials/Prompts

Recommended Software

I have tried a lot of software over the years and below is some that I recommend, please note some are affiliate links and I do receive a commission if you go on to purchase.

Recommended Education, Content and Websites

I personally recommend, you reach out to other franchisors in the group and especially outside of your division so you can see what other divisions are doing.

If you want details of the Franchisors, just shoot me an email and I can provide them to you.

There is a lot of great Franchisors in the group who are happy to share their knowledge if you just ask, so please reach out to people in the Jim’s Group.

To be honest, there is not a lot of authority figures in franchise marketing and in the Australian environment, we are leading the way especially in terms of content marketing, which is great for you as you can leverage of what we do at head office.

In terms of what we do at Jim’s, the biggest influence on our marketing efforts since 2019 has been https://garyvaynerchuk.com/

Whilst, he may not be everyone’s cup of tea, his approach to content is what we have tried to do at Jim’s at a much smaller scale since 2019 and he always has some nuggets of wisdom about social media and marketing in the modern age.

His books, especially ‘Crushing It’ is a great listen as well https://garyvaynerchuk.com/books/

Useful Websites

Social Media Guides and News – https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/

SEO – https://www.searchenginejournal.com/

Digital Marketing – https://blog.hubspot.com/

Learn SEO – https://learningseo.io/

Jim’s Podcast – https://www.jimspodcast.com/

Useful YouTube Channels

Jim’s Group YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8qToEXPKDvst8Myo-agKHw
